Hello to the person reading this blog. It's been almost two years since my last post in this blog. But first, sorry for my bad grammar which hasn't really been improved yet, but you have to endure it because I will use it till the end of this post. :p
I haven't posted anything in such a poor place for almost two year. I even have only checked it twice this year. Don't get me wrong, I will not just leave this very poor blog like that. Sometimes I felt like I have to write something again to bring this poor blog coming back to life.
First thing first, I have to get my feel back toward this blog, so I re-read all my previous posts. But you know what? When I read those post I literally let out a gasp. I mean, how could I wrote such a nonsense story, like, is this really me who have written all of that creepy shit? I even deleted some posts which I think it's too embarassing to be published to public. Lucky for you who still have a chance to read them before I deleted it.
But it reminds me that people do change. No matter how hard we deny it, sooner or later, conscious or unconscious, at the end we are not really the person we were in the last year, or last week, or even one minute ago. Rediscovering my previous posts got me thinking that I've changed. It's me absolutely who have written them, yet she isn't exactly me. It's like someone just puts a mirror right in front of me and forces me to look at myself. Oh my! How big myself has changed. It had transitioned so smoothly that I couldn't even notice that. I wasn't a kid like ten years ago, I'm seventeen in this very moment, and there will be a new me in ten years after.
But the point is, you are still you after all. It's not life who changed you, but you who changed your perspective toward life, about the way you see things and people. This post that I thought is good enough maybe will be embarassing if I read it in ten years from now. So don't be afraid to change. You need it because that's the way life guide us to make us more alive.
Woaaah it's too long for my first post. I hope there will be more posts to come. Have a good day!